
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Compact House to Adjust Narrow Area

One of the main factor in building a house is the extent and the condition of the land. The shape and extent of the building is determined by the land Limited area will be affecting the dimensions of the building. However, we can adjust the building to the narrow area. We will have a compact house with a maximum space utilization. These are the houses that will give you inspiration for space dimension and utilization in narrow area.

youtube: netmedia

A simple and modern facade of this house is on 100 meter square land

The first area of the house is the kitchen. The owner loves to receive guests and friends. By positioning the kitchen on the front they can erase the habit of piling up dirty dishes. The kitchen will always look clean and neat. On the upper floor of the kitchen, there is a mezzanine.

As their additional room for relaxing and finding inspirations. There is my favourite room, mezzanine room. I can express myself there. I'm a musician, vocalist. The house is my reflection. The land is uneven, it's on the edge, therefore they create an additional floor below. Lower floor is the master bedroom and children's bedroom. It's a solution to exploit uneven land contour. They can use the balcony to enjoy the beautiful view below.

The next house is even narrower. It's 60 meter square

They build the house on stilts to utilize narrow area. Lower floor is an open wet kitchen. They put a few chairs and tables for dining table or having guests. Due to the narrow area, they use steel ladder as the entrance area since it's less spacious. As we enter the room, it's the dry kitchen area. Children bedroom, equipped with study table at the front. They use a curtain as a partition to the room. It can be open or closed anytime. They set custom furniture as it's less spacious to be fit with the room.

Compact House to Adjust Narrow Area

For the other children's bedroom and master bedroom, they are on mezzanine floor. Permanent partition is minimalized to create spacious image. The children's and master bedroom look as if it's one room. We set the furniture to be fit with the space. As we designed the house, we have set the furniture to be fit too. It's something like that. If you think a garage is only built for spacious land then the next house is debunking the asumption.

On the facade, we see a garage. As we enter the house, we will know the house is only 50 meters square. Glass sliding door with aluminum frame is placed at the entrance that shows the image of a compact house.

Front area is the parlor, it can be used as living room or family room. Kitchen as service area is placed at the back of the house. To give a spacious image, they create high ceiling and mezzanine room. Master bedroom is located on the upper floor of the garage. It has a private bathroom in the bedroom. They use glass wall for the children's bedroom  that doesn't only give spacious image to the room but also to the area below.

Building a compact house to adjust narrow area is the best way. We can use the features of compact house for our inspirations. Such as using sliding door for efficient use of space instead of the conventional door. Setting up the right furniture to be fit with the room space. Also, creating a large void and build mezzanine for more rooms. Void is giving spacious image also creating air and light circulation to the compact house. Hope they can inspire you.
